Rules and Regulations
The objective of the Singapore Challenge Cup is to promote dance culture, and to provide a platform for practice and experience sharing for young dancers and professionals.
Category | Format | Age Group | Duration Limit |
Classical (Ballet, Neo Classical Ballet , Demi Character) | Solo | 7 – 9 | 3 minutes |
10 – 12 | 3 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 3 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 3 minutes | ||
20 + | 3 minutes | ||
Duo/Trio | 7 – 9 | 3 minutes | |
10 – 12 | 3 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 3 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 3 minutes | ||
20 + | 3 minutes | ||
Ensemble (4 – 8 participants) | 7 – 9 | 5 minutes | |
10 – 12 | 5 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 5 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 5 minutes | ||
20 + | 5 minutes | ||
Group (9 – 35 participants) | 7 – 9 | 5 minutes | |
10 – 12 | 5 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 5 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 5 minutes | ||
20 + | 5 minutes | ||
Toddler (Any style of dance) | Solo | 4 – 6 | 2 minutes |
Duo/Trio | 4 – 6 | 2 minutes | |
Ensemble (4 – 8 participants) | 4 – 6 | 5 minutes | |
Group (9 – 35 participants) | 4 – 6 | 5 minutes | |
Modern (Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Any other Styles) | Solo | 7 – 9 | 3 minutes |
10 – 12 | 3 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 3 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 3 minutes | ||
20 + | 3 minutes | ||
Duo/Trio | 7 – 9 | 3 minutes | |
10 – 12 | 3 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 3 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 3 minutes | ||
20 + | 3 minutes | ||
Ensemble (4 – 8 participants) | 7 – 9 | 5 minutes | |
10 – 12 | 5 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 5 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 5 minutes | ||
20 + | 5 minutes | ||
Group (9 – 35 participants) | 7 – 9 | 5 minutes | |
10 – 12 | 5 minutes | ||
13 – 15 | 5 minutes | ||
16 – 19 | 5 minutes | ||
20 + | 5 minutes | ||
1.Singapore Challenge Cup Dance Competition is open for all dancers from 4 years old to 20 years old and above. Cut off age is 1 January 2025.
2. For the classical category competition, contestants performing the different styles of classical ballet, neo classical ballet and modern ballet , Demi character, national dance will compete in the same category called Classical Solo. Ballet soloist competitors must present classical ballet repertoires and competitors of age 13 or above must wear pointe shoes and dance en pointe.
3. For the modern category competition, contestants will compete in the different styles of jazz, contemporary, lyrical, hip hop, any other styles.
4. If team members are of different ages, the team will compete in the age group according to the age of the eldest member. The age will be calculated as the year of competition, i.e. 2025, minus the year of birth regardless of the month and day.
5. Every contestant must enroll in the appropriate age group otherwise he/she will be disqualified.
6. To encourage participation in a higher age group, each contestant may participate in two entries for the same genre in two different age groups for Solo or Duo or Trio, e.g. a contestant who is 11 years old may participate In Classical Solo in 10-12 and Classical Solo in 13-15 age group. Enrolling for 2 pieces of same genre in the same age group is strictly prohibited.
7. Contestants who enroll to Solo or Duo or Trio should enroll in their own names while contestants who enroll to Ensemble or Troupe should enroll in the names of the organizations to which they belong.
8. The Organizer reserves the right to combine age groups with less than four entries.
9. Each contestant is not allowed to represented two different organizations in the same age group of ensemble/troupe.
10. The whole performance must be presented on the stage. No jumping off the stage or getting onto the stage from the auditorium is allowed.
11. For the participants’ safety, please ensure that all props used during the events are not risky to anyone’s health or life.
12. No water, no real fire, no fireworks, no spraying, no powder, no props with sharp edges, no fragile materials (e.g. mirror, glass), no release or holding of hydrogen balloon(s) or any flying objects (e.g. bird, drones) or any other falling fine objects like shredded paper, rice, sand, flower etc., no heavy props and scenery are allowed to be used on-stage. Small and light props may be used but must be removed immediately after the completion of the dance. Use of props must be safe and according to the Notice to the Venue. The Organizer reserves the right to make the final decision.
13. SCCDC Organiser has the rights to edit/amend the rules and regulations without notice .
Application Procedure:
1. Enroll online by clicking on on or before 30 June 2025. Please backup the completed form for your record purpose.
2. Submit the form on-line, and settle the entry fee and the bank service charges of both sides (if necessary). Submission will only be accepted with payment slip uploaded in JPEG format.
3. Entries will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. The organizer will not reserve any competition for potential contestants.
4. Successful enrolments will be confirmed via emails within 10 working days. A “Reference Number” for each enrolment will be provided for subsequent enquiries or follow-ups.
5. The organizer will only accept late entries, when the quota of contestants is not yet exhausted. A surcharge of S$20 per piece per request will be levied. No late entries will be accepted on or after 11 July 2025, i.e. 10 days after the closing date.
6. Any request for change/update of enrolment details (e.g. change of the name of dance) must be sent to the organizer via email on or before closing date with the Reference Number quoted, whereas requests made on or after 11 July 2025, a surcharge of S$20 per entry will be levied. Late requests or requests made through other means will not be accepted.
7. The name of dance should be in English. For names in other languages, please provide an explanation in English. Except for classical ballet repertoires.
8. When the contestant reports for the competition on the organizer has the right to check the identity document of the contestant, such as Identity Card passport, student card, etc., which bears the name, photo and date of birth of the contestants, in order to make sure that the reported contestant is the same person stated in the entry form. Failure to present the identity document may lead to disqualification of the contestant.
9. The contestants will be disqualified should there be false Information filled In the entry forms.
10. The name of contestant printed on the certificate is based on the name in the entry form. If the name printed on the certificate is to be amended after the certificate Is distributed, an extra charge of S$20 per sheet is to be levied.
11. Admission to the auditorium Is only allowed for persons holding tickets for that particular session disregard whether the person Is a contestant. Each ticket admits one only.
The Marking Scheme
➢ Score 90 or above: Gold Prize (medal and certificate) will be awarded. Score 95 to 100 – Dance with all the requirements fulfilled and seldom have errors. Score 90 to 94 – Dance with all the requirements fulfilled and with a few errors.
➢ Score 85 – 89: Silver Prize (medal and certificate) will be awarded. Dance with most of the requirements fulfilled with some errors.
➢ Score 80 – 84: Bronze Prize (medal and certificate) will be awarded. Dance with the requirements fulfilled in sufficient extent.
➢ Score 70 – 79: Encouragement Award (medal and certificate) will be awarded. Dance with the best of their ability though requirements unfulfilled.
➢ Score 69 or below: Certificate of Challenger will be awarded.
➢ The Best Performer prize will be awarded in the Classical and Modern (Solo/Duo/Trio) category for Junior Division (7-12 of age) and Senior Division (13-29 of age), i.e. a total of 4 prizes. Trophies and certificates will be awarded.
➢ The Outstanding in Ensemble/Troupe prize will be awarded in the Classical and Modern category for Junior Division (7-12 of age) and Senior Division (13-29 of age), i.e. a total of 4 prizes. Trophies and certificates will be awarded.
➢ The Best Performer prize will be awarded in Toddler (4-6 of age). A trophy and certificate will be awarded.The Outstanding in Ensemble/Troupe will be awarded in Toddler (4-6 of age). A trophy and certificate will be awarded
➢ The prize award ceremony will be held at the end of each session, all contestants should stay on the stage during the ceremony. The actual duration of each section varies according to the number of participants in that section. The best performer and the Outstanding in Ensemble/Troupe prize will be presented when the competitions of those age groups in the categories are completed.
Adjudicators and assessment criteria:
1. An adjudicator panel will be formed by professional appointed by the Organizer.
2. Awarded scores will be based on artistry (musically, performance, style and creativity) and technique (structure, theme, movement and co-operation).
3. The results concluded by the Adjudicators are final.
4. The lyric of the music must not express any vulgar including drugs related or violent contents. The content of the dance must not contain violent issues including gun-shooting, killing, suicide or imitations of such actions, and indecent or obscene movements, The Organizer will stop the competition immediately and the contestants will be disqualified when such situation arises.
5. The commencement of the presented piece will be timed as the moment at which the music starts or the contestant start performing on the stage whichever the earlier. The completion of the presented piece will be timed as the moment at which the music ends or the contestant stops moving on the stage (not including the curtsey) whichever the later.
6. The length of the piece of music should not exceed the maximum limit for the respective category. 0.5 mark will be deducted from the awarded score for the first excessive 10 seconds and another 0.5 mark for the subsequent 10 seconds (or a fraction of the 10 seconds) and so on. For the length of dance/duration limit , please refer to the table of Categories, Age Groups and Time Limit.
7. The maximum number of contestants In troupe is 35, 0.5 mark will be deducted from the awarded score for each excessive contestant and so on.
Music :
1. Music of every dance pieces (entry) should be submitted in mp3 format recorded individually by Dropbox one month before the start of competition; otherwise the contestant(s) Will be disqualified, Music of dance submitted on the competition day Will not be accepted. The Organizer will use the music submitted during the period mentioned above only.
2. Live music companionship Is not accepted.
3. The contestants are responsible for all copy-right issues related to the use of the music.
4. All music must be age appropriate and free of any apparent profanity or vulgar language. Disqualification may occur if it is deemed the music is of this nature.
Photography and Video Recording:
No photography and video recording Is allowed without the official permission from the Organizer. The offenders will be expelled from the competition venue when necessary and recorded images must be deleted.
Others :
1. Rehearsals or placing on stage will not be provided.
2. The Organizer reserves the right to change the schedule of competition in case of emergency. Announcements of new schedule will be made through the official Facebook or website.
3. The Organizer reserves the right to change the rules and regulations.
4. Enquires: Please contact the Secretariat of Singapore Challenge Cup Dance Competition